Sunday 18 March 2012


  If you're interested in dating and attraction,
you'll probably know that there are near-infinite
numbers of dating coaches out there on the Net,
each marketing his own particular brand of wisdom
on how to 'get more females' ... and each trying to
convince us all of his own unique 'spin' on the

  You'll also probably know that most of this
so-called knowledge is based mostly upon EXTREMES
of approach. 

  I'm sure you know what I mean: that you're
either out there trying to 'score' as many hot
females as possible (belt-notches optional but
recommended) ...

  ... or, you're trying to find 'The One', and
therefore should NOT be in the market for any kind
of fun, relaxed dating practices, like dating more
than one person at a time. That would just be

  It's like there are only two ways of looking at
this whole 'dating and attraction' thing: you're
either out there to get as much as possible, as
QUICK as possible ... or you're out there to find a
future wife, 'nuff said.

  As it turns out, however, there IS an
intermediary 'middle ground', and it's called
figuring out how to BE the kind of guy that
quality females are NATURALLY ATTRACTED to ... that, WHATEVER your 'end goal' is (whether
that's a string of fast'n'furious short-term
flings or one superlative relationship), you're
able to act in a way that's authentic and true to
yourself ... while still achieving whatever it is
that you set out to achieve.

  Here's the deal with this 'middle ground'

  Once you become that guy who just instinctively
'is' attractive to himself, you never have to bog
yourself down trying to 'role-play', use 'canned
material', or hide behind a pseudo-social mask of
witty one-liners and bravado in the hopes of
'getting' a female. 

  Instead, you can literally just be YOURSELF
(albeit your BEST self), and watch in wonderment
as a virtual red carpet of quality females and
ABUNDANT OPTIONS unfurls in front of you. 

 Let me ask you a question. 

Are you interested in becoming the kind of
QUALITY GUY who's 'a natural' with females? 

  My guess is that, yes, you would be. And I'm
not talking about some kind of quick-fix magic
bullet, since, if you're truly interested in BEING
great with females - not just ACTING great with
them - there are no magic bullets. (Sorry about that.) 

  I'm talking about finding it within yourself to
use whatever skills and charisma are lurking in
there (possibly unknown to you, at this present
moment) and creating hot, fun, outrageously
successful relationships of whatever nature and
length with the females that YOU find attractive. 

  Not the women your friends want. Not the women
you think you 'should' want. But the women that
YOU ACTUALLY want. The women that YOU think of as
being 'quality'. 

  (Why? Because this is about learning to shuck
off the dusty old social-masks that so many guys
out there are using, and being your REAL self to
attract the females YOU WANT. No side-stepping
or B.S. permitted, in your behavior or your

  I don't have to tell you that women are
different.  There are things they do that
make no sense to us at all. Our brains are "wired"
differently - just ask any neurobiologist.  MRI
scans are telling us more about what makes a female
tick than at any point in history.

  So it falls to me to lead you down the path of
'what happens inside the female  brain' ...  to give
you the science, the statistics, and exact
conclusions you need to apply your insider
knowledge to ANY female.

  Over the next couple days, here's what's going
to happen: 

  - You'll find out why women are the way they
are and what it means for YOU.

  - You'll find out how to spark attraction in a
female... how to get to a more intimate level
quickly ... and how to keep that spark going as long
as you want.

  - You'll learn how to keep a relationship from
getting boring or too serious ... how to keep your
partner from changing for the worse ... and how to
feel so secure in how she feels about you that you
don't have to worry about ANY other guy.

  Let me give you a blow-by-blow breakdown of how
we're going to proceed over the next week. 


  Every system has a foundation.  Some guys base
their seduction science on NLP; others say that it
all comes down to the approach and building
rapport.  There are other guys who focus on
entertaining females and demonstrating value.

  How many times have you heard of, or seen, a
guy whose life is just too 'compartmentalized' to
actually be sustainable?

  During the day, he has his 'normal'
personality. Then at night, he puts on his sarging
clothes, studies up on magic tricks and 'cold
reading', and goes out to pick up females, hiding
behind his 'social personality' like an automaton.

  Sooner or later, he's going to run out of
'material' and 'things to say', and is going to
run face-first into that brick wall known as,
'Uhhhhh ... what am I s'posed to do next?'

  See, that's the problem with 'faking it'. At
some point, you're going to run into a situation
that's simply beyond the bounds of what you know...
and you're going to be stumped. 

  But if you're NOT 'faking it', and you're
actually BEING that guy who actually IS good with
women, you're NEVER going to have that problem,
because you're ALWAYS going to be able to trust
your own instincts. 

  It's a simple solution to a complex problem.

  Oh, and by the way ... once you get past the
surface-level and really get interested in the
MECHANICS of what's going on here - the
'behind-the-scenes' information that helps you to
literally BE that quality guy - you'll find that
these skills are actually fundamental to just
about every area of life. 

  This isn't just going to make you better at

  It's going to make you better at LIFE.

So, here's the deal ...

  Over the next week, you're going to become
familiar with the three core principles necessary
to rid you of unwholesome and limiting 'old-style'
beliefs pertaining to FEMALES and YOURSELF ... and as
a result, you're going to experience a quantum
shift in the kind of success you experience with
females, and with life in general.





  1. Interesting. I'm all ears, tell us how to score some more..

