Sunday 8 July 2012


You know by now women don't like pushovers who are willing to go all out so quickly for a total STRANGER. Women eat guys like
those for breakfast.

Here's a funny thing - lots of women are conditioned to EXPECT you wine them, dine them and promise your undying love within a few months' time. But do you think they'll like it?

Hell NO. Click to

The fact is, our world is now thriving with millions of strong, INDEPENDENT women who wouldn't be caught dead having a man take care of her. Brother, please...that was sooo last century!

Nowadays, women have evolved into fierce creatures that will tear a guy to shreds for offering any kind of "help". She can fix that
flat tire on the road and set the weight machine at gym all by her pretty little self, thank you very much.

In fact, the political climate of relations among the opposite sexes have changed so much that we guys are quickly becoming unneeded by this new generation of incredibly hot, brainy and self-sufficient babes.

So where does that leave a would-be pick-up artist? Well, as the pretext implies, you're not gonna get very far if you try the
"fawning-over-you-and-damn-near-ready-to-sell-my-soul-for-female-attention" route.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Sorry to say, but you may have done some of this yourself.

Here's a typical scenario: guy sees hot girl, guy approaches hot girl, guy offers hot girl a drink, hot girl makes some obligatory small talk before high-tailing to the ladies' room (which is probably the closest thing to a black hole), and finally, guy never sees or hears from hot girl ever again.

But let's be a little more optimistic than that. Let's say
Hypothetical Guy manages to get Hot Girl's number and takes her out to the standard candlelit dinner and movie routine for the first

All throughout, Hypothetical Guy acts like the perfect gentleman: opening doors for her, giving her flowers, and showing up on time. While that's perfectly fine, he also goes overkill with the compliments, nods in agreement with everything Hot Girl says, is deathly afraid to joke around with her and most of all, ready to
put his entire life on hold for someone he barely even knows.

Remember what I said about kissing butt? It lowers her respect for you, and that seriously upsets the power balance before you've even begun.

The trick to red-hot attraction is keeping the scales evenly tipped
- you need to start things off on EQUAL footing if you have any
hopes of making her fall for you. NEVER should a woman think that she's on higher ground than you are.

The real problem with being TOO nice (remember, keep it balanced) is that you're letting her "hold all the cards" in the game. That approach robs you of the leverage you need to attract her, period.

Therefore, it's crucial that you don't SMOTHER her with your time and affection like a torrent of water bursting from a broken dam. You need to play it cool and convey your sexual interest one step
at a time.

Thus, TEASING her is the best way to heighten the tension to a point where you can almost hear it crackle.

Veterans in the seduction community like to call this as "playful cockiness". As you can tell, this is a combination of jerk-like qualities (which we covered last time) but with a touch of
light-heartedness and is NEVER mean-spirited.

Given today's kind of go-getting women, you'll need to SHAKE UP her expectations by NOT giving her the worship she usually gets from
those cookie-cutter chumps she meets on a daily basis.

When you give her attention, but NOT all the time, you're changing
the whole game by being just mysterious ENOUGH to keep her on her toes. The point of teasing a woman is to make her wonder what your deal is.

"Does this guy like me or not?" is the kind of question you want to plant in her brain. She'll start to wonder why you're not kissing
her pretty little butt like the other guys do.

Then she'll say, "Wait a minute, this guy's DIFFERENT - I'll show him."

Ah, NOW the game is on.

Now you have her chasing after YOU and while you're *still* expected to initiate things, you don't have to do ALL the work every bloody minute.

Imagine: no more running around in circles trying to read her mind, no more agonizing stretches of time waiting for her to call back,
and most of all, no more wasted efforts in making her fall for you.

"I'm a pleasure delayer. You keep the relationship casual UNTIL the absolute breaking point. And then, one night, or afternoon, or could be months from now...oh, you know how it works -"
As mentioned, the secret to teasing is by NOT showing too much interest right away. It shifts all the power on her side, and then you have no bargaining power to keep her interested!
The most important thing is to make her FEEL the LOSS of your company (and everything pleasurable that comes with it) from time to time, but NOT too often.

If you act too aloof, you'll alienate her and she'll look
elsewhere. If you're too touchy-feely, she'll feel overwhelmed and eventually avoid you just the same.

So secret to being a tease is found in taking a few steps forward
and then one step back. If you keep pushing on and on, you'll come off as too intense which will then drive a woman away.

Let me give you a specific example. First dates are usually a time when you have to evaluate a woman if she's cut out to be your partner or not. Don't think that I'm trying to sound mean about it because women are doing the exact same thing from their perspective.

As a side note, you'll want to keep the first date casual (like in
a coffee shop or at one of those "eat and run" places) so you don't have any pressure to be romantic right away. If you want to be in line with our one-step-at-a-time approach, you need to slowly calibrate her attraction levels and go from there.

Anyway, if the date goes well and you're getting along REALLY great, you shouldn't let things drag on to the point of awkward silence. Tell her that you had a great time, but you need to go.

For a couple of reasons, my personal rule of thumb is to keep initial encounters anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. First, it reduces your chances of doing or saying something stupid in front of someone you don't know that well. Next, it also accomplishes your goal of prolonging the pleasure by giving her something to look forward to in the future.

While you're at it, wait a few days before calling her back (of course you need to call her back, unless you want to be stereotyped as one of "those guys") and keep the conversation short and sweet.

Teasing works employs the principle of SCARCITY, which is something humans naturally respond to. It's in anyone's nature to grasp at
something just within arm's reach.

Ever PURSUED that promotion at work that ten other guys were after? Maybe you've had the pleasure of staying up at night just to FIND
a fix for your busted computer. Well, the same applies to dating and relationships.

Something as pleasurable as romance will definitely motivate someone to give chase until it's theirs. So your role now is to make sure that there's always something good enough for her to pursue.

Speaking of pleasure, there is one other tool you can use to crank up the tease factor. It's called HUMOR, and you'll need a specific kind of funniness to keep her interested in you.
The trick here is not to cross the line into spelling out your REAL
interest in her. For instance, it's ok to make off-hand remarks
about the way she looks (ex. "Hmm, that dress really looks good on you" and then change the topic)...

...just as long as you don't come off as overly fawning or creepy about it.

Sometimes, having the confidence to push the limits of political correctness (in a tasteful way of course) makes you attractive in an outrageous way. Just think of the old saying that laughter is the best medicine.

People swear by that idiom because having a good chuckle naturally triggers your body to release chemicals and hormones which flood your brain with pleasurable sensations. And guess who she'll link those feelings with?

That's right brother.

Making a funny does a great deal in lowering her defensive shield and gradually allows you to poke some playful fun at her. Before she knows it, you're giving her a "hard time" about what she said or the way she giggles - but loves every minute of it!

The ticket to great humor is by GENTLY teasing her without being downright cruel or mean. It's a fine line to walk, but with enough practice, you'll be able to attract beautiful women this way.

It gives her the impression that you're not a suck-up who actually has the nerve to say something funny to her face. Now THAT'S someone she wants to go out with.

In the end, all you're doing is setting the stage for long-lasting attraction by giving her a sneak peek of all the love and caring
she'll have...once she's EARNED it. Otherwise, you'll just spoil her and she'll take your affection for granted.

If a movie trailer gave away all the best parts, you'd have no reason to watch the damn film itself! So: keep her guessing for a while because a little ambiguity never killed anyone.

In this case, curiosity doesn't kill the cat - it keeps her excited, interested and sends her heart aflutter!

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